How to become an interesting person

 In this article, I will tell you how to become an interesting person. Everybody wants to be an interesting person. Everyone wants to have a lot of friends and everyone wants to have fun with their friends. Nobody wants to be boring. People desire to sit with an interesting person instead of a boring person.

If you want to become an interesting person but don't know-how then this article is just for you. In this article, I will tell you some ways to become interesting and I hope they will help you.

1) Find interesting topics and discuss them

2) Always be ready to hang around with different people.

3) Be funny

4) Be unique and weird

5) Listen to others

1) Find Interesting Topics and Discuss Them

To be interesting, you should find interesting topics and discuss them with your friends,  family and other people you interact with. This will make them think that you are interesting and they like to interact with them. 

Watch different movies, podcasts, Youtube videos and read different statics on different topics and It will help you to become interesting and attractive.

2) Always Be Ready to Hang Around

For being interesting, you need to hang around with different people and spend time with them. Go to different parties, picnics and different events even if you don't want to. Interact with different people and socialize more. This is one of the most effective ways of being interesting.

It can be really difficult and awkward for introverts and shy people but believe me if you do this, you will be more interesting as well as you will become more confident.

3) Be Funny

Funny people are always attractive. People like to talk to them because they know that a funny person can make their day. A person with a good sense of humour can easily change your mood. People love those who make them laugh.

For being interesting, you need to be funny. Watch different stand-up comedy videos to boost your sense of humour. Search different jokes on google and tell them to your friends. Believe me, it will help you be interesting.

4) Be Unique And Weird

Being unique and weird makes you a lot of interesting. Your uniqueness and weirdness attract others. Everyone finds you interesting when you are unique and weird. Your uniqueness is your power. Everyone in this world is blessed with something unique. Use your uniqueness to make yourself attractive and interesting.

5) Listen to Others

Always listen to others because it helps you to know people and their way of thinking. When you listen to others, they don't get bored of you. Listening to others helps you find different interesting topics. 

You should be patient while listening to others so that they will listen to you in the same way and this will help in creating a strong bond between you and different people.
