Wanna grow tall in no time? Here is how you can do this.

 How to grow taller

                                                            Today I am going to tell you about how you can increase your height and grow tall. Growing tell or increasing your height is a thing a lot of people want to do. Growing tall is mostly about genetics. Genetics plays a vital role in everyone's growth. However, there are certain things that you can do to maximize your growth potential. A person's growth is mostly dependent on the food a person eats. It also depends upon the exercises a person does. Here we are going to discuss all these factors in detail. Following are the factors affecting growth.

1) Food

2) Exercises

3) Sleep

4) Posture

5) Yoga


      For increasing height and growing tall, food is really important. Food is the main constituent Of life. Food also plays a vital role in increasing heights and build muscle mass. Eating a balanced diet helps a lot in growing taller. Eating a balanced diet is about adding healthy food and avoiding unhealthy food to your diet. A balanced diet has a balanced proportion of Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, Vitamins, Fibre and other minerals. For growing tall, you should do the following things.

• Eat Fresh vegetables

• Eat Fresh Fruits

• Protein

Things to Avoid

• Sugar

• Saturated fats

                   Besides, these things you should also consume the proper amount of Calcium and Vitamin D. Calcium is good for bone health and Vitamin D helps the body to absorb Calcium. Calcium and Vitamin D can help to grow taller and increase your height.


              One of the main things for growing talk and increasing your height is exercise. Exercises help you to grow your body and enhance your body health and condition. To grow taller your must stretch your body as much as you can. These height-increasing exercises at based on stretching your body. There are several exercises which you can do to increase height Some of these exercises are given below

• Swimming

• Jumping

• Bar hanging

• Forward Bend

• Pelvic Shift

• Hopping


         For growing tall and increasing height, enough amount of sleep is required. Sleep is essential for your muscles and bone health and it results in their growth. During sleep, your body repairs all the broken muscle fibres and this results in your body's growth

                                                Not having enough sleep will result in tiredness and you will not see any results. So make sure to have enough sleep if you want to increase your height.


            Your height and tallest also depends upon good posture. Good Posture defines your body health. A person with good posture always looks healthier and taller than a person with poor posture. Posture helps you to appear big and taller. If you have a bad posture, you will look dull and lazy.

                                                            Good posture reduces muscle tension and back pain. It also improves circulation and digestion. Hence it has a lot of benefits and it is essential for your height too. So it is necessary to improve your posture to look taller.


                For growing talk and increasing your height yoga is necessary. Yoga works on your mental health as well as physical health. It can be used to attain a good posture and it helps you to look taller. Yoga improves your flexibility and builds muscular strength. It improves posture and circulation of blood. It protects your spine and improves your bone health.

                               Hence yoga can be used to increase your height and look taller.
