Wanna look cooler? Here's how you can look cooler.

 Everyone wants to look cool. If you want to look cool too then this post is for you. I am going to tell you some points or ways to look cool. I guarantee that if you do these things then you will start looking cool and everyone will like to talk to you.

Being cool really attract other people and they think that you are attractive. Cool people always have a lot of friends and people around them.

Everyone can look cool if do some of these things which are as follow

1) Stay calm and don't panic

2) Act like you are important to others

3) Be confident 

4) Stand straight and strong

5) Wear cool clothes

6) Make your style

7) Start wearing different accessories

8) Stay fit

9) Be yourself

10) Give respect, take respect

Stay Calm and Don't Panic

 For being cool you shouldn't panic and stay cool. Cool people always stay calm and they try to take the solution out of their problems without getting panicked. Learn to face your problem with a smiling face.

You must have seen it in many movies. You must have seen James bond, he is always calm in movies no matter what happens. Being calm reduces the tension and stress and it makes you 100 times cooler.

Act Like You Are Important To Others

For looking cool, it is important to pretend that you are important to others even if you are not. This makes others think that you are useful and worthy of doing things. When you act like you are important to different people, you become the centre of attraction and everyone likes to talk to you, making you a lot cooler.

Be Confident

Being confident allows you to look cooler. I mentioned different advantages of being confident in my previous article. Being confident allows you to speak up and become a better performer in life. Being confident is necessary for healthy relationships and you begin looking attractive. It is necessary to be confident to look cool.

Not sure how to be confident? Check my previous article to learn how to be confident https://beholdersvision.blogspot.com/2021/07/how-to-be-more-confident.html

Stand Straight and Strong

For looking cool,  it is necessary to stand straight and appear strong. For this, you have to correct your posture and start looking fit. When you appear strong nobody dares to mess with you and this makes you a lot cooler. Stand straight and make eye contact with everyone you are talking to.

Wear Cool Clothes

Wearing particular types of clothes describe a lot about your personality. Clothes colours also play an important role in building up your personality. Hence, it is very important to choose and wear those clothes which look good on you. Wearing cool and attractive clothes can help you with looking cool.

Make your style

For looking cool you have to adapt and make your lifestyle. Always try to look unique to others. Make everyone notice you (in a good way) and make others copy your style. Always focus on yourself and stop worrying about people and their opinion. 

Start Wearing Different Accessories

Wearing different accessories like sunglasses, hats, watches and headphones can have a big impact on your personality and In this way, it can make you look a lot cooler. Always wear those accessories which look good on your body and find your suitable accessory.

Stay Fit

Looking cool and attractive is closely related to staying fit and working out. If you are not confident in your body then it is the time you should start working out on your body. Go to the gym and try to stay in shape.

Be Yourself

Always be yourself to look cool. Stop being fake. Stop copying others. Don't be too kind to others. Don't be too rude to others. Just be yourself. This will attract a lot of people towards you and it will also make your life a lot better.

Give Respect, Take Respect

Cool people always respect others and in this way, they also get respected by others. This means that if you want to look cool then you should be respected by everyone and the only way to get respected is by giving respect to others.
