Self-talk, 5 tips to practice positive self-talk.

 Self-talk is the practice of talking to oneself or internal dialogue with oneself. It is the practice of talking to yourself either aloud or silently. Self-talk can be of two different types, Positive self-talk and negative self-talk.

Following are the example of positive self-talk and negative self-talk.

Positive self-talk examples

"I can do this"

"I trust in myself"

Negative self-talk examples

"I can't do this"

"I can't handle this"

Positive self-talk is necessary to boost self-esteem. The power of positive self-talk is way more than what people usually know.

Following are some ways to practice positive self-talk

1) Know Your Worth

Every person in this world is worthy and capable of something. No one is useless. Knowing that you are worthy helps and provoke you to practice positive self-talk.

Knowing your worth helps you to become positive towards your life and hence it can make you practice positive self-talk.

2) Quit Living In The Past

I have already told you guys about the effects of living or dwelling in the past and how it can affect your self-esteem. Living in the past stops you from thinking about your future.

When you stop dwelling in the past and focus on your future, you start being positive and start doing positive self-talk.

3) It Is Completely Ok To Make Mistakes

I have already said in my previous articles, that it is completely ok to make mistakes. Making mistakes is a part of everyone's life but a successful person is that who learns from his mistakes.

For practising positive self-talk, you first need to accept your mistakes and learn from them. Learning from your mistakes helps to create a positive mindset.

4) Reduce Toxic And Negative People From Your life

Negative and toxic people are one of the main causes of making you negative and toxic. They make you feel ashamed of your life. If you want to practice positive self-talk then it is necessary to reduce the toxic people in your life.

5) Your Biggest Priority Should Be Yourself

Your biggest priority should be yourself. Focus on yourself, your body, your career and your mental health. For practising self-talk, you need to make yourself a priority.
